Annual Disposition |
- Planned disposition quantity (total volume of container, as disposed, in m3) reported for each year: FY08 through FY50. |
Chemical Name |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 1.2) The name of the toxic chemical that has been released and/or transferred during
the reporting year.
Listed toxic chemicals are those chemicals on the list in Committee Print Number 99-169 of the Senate Committee
on Environment and Public Works, titled "Toxic Chemicals Subject to Section 313 of the Emergency Planning
and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986" (42 U.S.C. 11023). Currently, there are over 600 toxic chemicals
included on the list subject to reporting. |
Class A Commercial |
- A flag identifying whether the stream, if managed in the commercial sector,
would fall above Class A limits as prescribed in 10 CFR 61 Part 55. |
Classified Flag |
- A flag identifying classified material stream. |
Disposition Site/Facility |
- Identifies the site and facility where the stream will be dispositioned (treated and/or disposed).
Names of specific commercial facilities, due to business sensitivity, are replaced with a surrogate,
e.g., “Commercial-1”. |
Description of Facility
Current Use |
FIMS - The current use of a property. Land usage codes consist of 2 characters, Building/Trailer
usage codes consist of 3 characters, and OSF usage codes consist of 4 characters. For a complete list of valid
selections, please refer to Appendices b, C, and E of the Facilities Information Management System (FIMS) User's
Guide, which can be downloaded via the Internet at |
Facility Area Number |
FIMS - Three-digit number that identifies an administrative subdivision of a site. |
Facility Excess (Y/N) |
FIMS - Indicates (Y/N) whether the Field Office/Site has designated the property as excess
now or will be excess in the future. It is not intended to indicate that the property has been formally declared
excess to the Department's requirements by the Office of Field Integration (FI). |
Facility Excess Year |
FIMS - The year in which the Field Office/Site designates the property as excess. |
Facility Gross Square Footage |
FIMS - The total floor area of a building in square feet (exterior wall to exterior wall). |
Facility Hazard Category Group |
FIMS - Indicates whether the facility is a radiological facility, a chemical hazard facility, or a combined radiological and chemical hazard facility. For the purposes of the CID, facilities listed under FIMS as nuclear facilities are listed as radiological facilities. |
Facility Name |
FIMS - The name assigned to a specific property. |
Facility Site Area |
FIMS - The name that is assigned by the Field Office to identify an administrative subdivision
of a site. |
Facility Status |
FIMS - Indicates the status of the trailer that reflects programmatic intentions as well as
the physical/operational status of the trailer. Valid selections are:
1 - Operating - No strict definition of this term.
2 - Operational Standby - If there is any future programmatic use of the building (other than cleanup) expected.
3 - Shutdown Pending Transfer - Indicates plans for the facility to be eventually transferred to another programmatic
office or organization.
4 - Shutdown Pending D&D - Indicates the facility has been shutdown for the purpose of final disposition, which
can include deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) (regardless of when D&D activities are slated to start)
- under this category, the programmatic office or organization responsible for D&D activities would have responsibility
for this facility.
5 - D&D in Progress - D&D activities are underway - this activity would be identified once funds have been
budgeted and approved for expenditure. |
Facility Status (as of date) |
FIMS - The date the building/trailer status is in effect. Status date is required for building/trailer
status choices: Operational; Standby; Shutdown Pending Transfer; Shutdown Pending D&D; and D&D in Progress. |
Facility Type |
FIMS - Code that allows a Field Office to classify a property by type. Valid selections are:
b - Building, L - Land, S - Other Structures (OSF), and T - Trailer/Modular. |
Field Stream ID |
- A unique text/number used for a waste stream. |
Program Responsible for Concuring on Disposition |
- The Headquarters Program that is responsible for recommending the material
be dispositioned. |
Program Responsible for Recommending Disposition |
- The Headquarters Program that is responsible for recommending the material
be dispositioned. |
Managing Program Name |
- Identifies the DOE Program Secretarial Office (PSO) responsible for managing (inventory and future generation) the stream. |
MIN Category Code |
- Code relating to the field that identifies the MIN category that the stored
material belongs to (denoted by the "MIN Category" field). MIN material has been grouped into 10 identifying
categories. Valid MIN categories include Chemicals, Depleted Uranium, Natural & Enriched Uranium, Lithium,
Sodium, Lead, Plutonium, Spent Nuclear Fuel, Scrap Metal and Equipment, and Weapons Components. |
MIN Category Name |
- The MIN category that the stored material belongs to. MIN material has been
grouped into 10 identifying categories. Valid MIN categories include Chemicals, Depleted Uranium, Natural &
Enriched Uranium, Lithium, Sodium, Lead, Plutonium, Spent Nuclear Fuel, Scrap Metal and Equipment, and Weapons
Components. |
Program Code (for non-sanitary waste only) |
Two letter code designating the DOE program responsible for the site and
its operations. |
Material ID |
- Unique identifier for each specific amount of MIN material at a facility or
site. The "Material Id" is then associated with descriptions of the MIN material to which it is assigned,
including an inventory amount, a MIN category, and a MIN subcategory. |
Material Form |
- Describes the physical form of the stored MIN material. Examples include Solid,
Fluoride, Metal, Liquid, and Powder. |
Material Inventory Amount |
- The amount of MIN material that is stored at the facility or site. Need to
refer to the "Unit" field to determine what the unit of the stored material is (i.e., kilograms). |
Material Name |
- The descriptive name of the MIN material. Examples include Thorium, Research
Reactor Fuel, and Normal Uranium. |
Material Sub-Category |
- The MIN subcategory that the stored material belongs to. All MIN material belongs
to one of 10 categories (identified through the "MIN Category" field) and one of 17 subcategories. The
17 MIN subcategories include Chemicals, Depleted Uranium Hexafluoride, Other Depleted Uranium, Highly Enriched
Uranium, Low Enriched Uranium, Normal Uranium, Strategic Lithium, Virgin and Depleted Lithium, Sodium, NaK, Lead,
Plutonium, Other NMMSS, Spent Nuclear Fuel, Scrap Metal, Precious Scrap Metal, and Weapons Components. |
Material Unit Name |
- The units (e.g., kilograms) associated with the amount of stored MIN material
as defined in the "Inventory Amount" field (the "Inventory Amount" field quantifies the amount
of MIN material that is stored at the facility or site). |
Name of Storage Facility |
- The name of the facility (building) or site where the MIN material is stored.
This may be a specific building at a site (i.e., "Building 7708") or a general description of a storage
area (i.e., "site-wide" or "10 storage areas"). |
OFS Size |
FIMS - The numeric measurement for structures based upon the useage code. The primary unit
of measure is controlled by Headquarters. |
OFS Size - English Unit |
FIMS - The English unit of measure for structures. The label displayed on the screen is based
on the value in the Usage Code Table. |
OFS Size - Primary Unit |
FIMS - The primary unit of measure for structures. The label displayed on the screen is based
on the value in the Usage Code Table. |
Operations Field Office
Description |
FIMS - Long description of the DOE Field Office responsible for the site and its operations.
The first two digits of the Site Number identify the Field Office. The valid selections for Field Offices are:
(01) Albuquerque Operations Office, (03) Chicago Operations Office, (04) Yucca Mountain Site Characterization Office,
(05) Golden Field Office, (06) Idaho Operations Office, (07) Ohio Field Office, (09) Nevada Operations Office,
(10) Oak Ridge Operations Office, (11) Federal Energy Technology Center, (12) Pittsburgh Naval Reactors Office,
(13) Richland Operations Office, (14) Oakland Operations Office, (15) Savannah River Operations Office, (16) Schenectady
Naval Reactors Office, (23) Southwestern Power Administration, (24) Western Area Power Administration, (26) Naval
Petroleum Reserves, (27) Strategic Petroleum Reserves, and (42) Rocky Flats. |
Physical Form Name |
- The treatability group matrix parameter category (MPC) that best describes the overall,
bulk physical/chemical form of the stream per the DOE Waste Treatability Group Guidance
(DOE/LLW-217). |
Prior Year Disposition |
- Actual FY07 disposition quantity (total volume of container, as disposed, in m3). |
Property ID |
FIMS - A unique control number assiged to a property |
Quantity Discharged
to a Receiving Stream |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 5.3) The quantity of a toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical directly
discharged into a stream or other water bodies. |
of Non-Routine RCRA Waste |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for cleanup/stabilization RCRA wastes. Cleanup/stabilization
waste consists of one-time operations waste produced by environmental restoration program activities, including
primary and secondary wastes associated with retrieval and remediation operations; "legacy wastes"; and
wastes from decontamination and decommissioning/transition operations. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act waste
includes solid waste, not specifically excluded from regulation under 40 CFR 261.4, or delisted by petition, that
is either a listed hazardous waste (40 CFR 261.30-261.33) or exhibits the characteristics of a hazardous waste
(40 CFR 261.20-261.24). |
of Non-Routine TSCA Waste |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for cleanup/stabilization TSCA waste. Cleanup/stabilization
waste consists of one-time operations waste produced by environmental restoration program activities, including
primary and secondary wastes associated with retrieval and remediation operations; "legacy wastes"; and
wastes from decontamination and decommissioning/transition operations. TSCA waste includes individual chemical
wastes (both solid and liquid), which are regulated by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA |
of Non-Routine State Waste |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for cleanup/stabilization state regulated
waste. Cleanup/stabilization waste consists of one-time operations waste produced by environmental restoration
program activities, including primary and secondary wastes associated with retrieval and remediation operations;
"legacy wastes"; and wastes from decontamination and decommissioning/transition operations. State regulations
waste is any other hazardous waste not specifically regulated under RCRA, which may be regulated by State or local
authorities. |
Quantity of Routine RCRA Waste |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for routine RCRA waste. Routine waste is produced
by any type of production, analytical, and/or research and development laboratory operations; treatment, storage,
or disposal operations; "work-for-others;" or any other periodic and recurring work that is considered
ongoing. "Normal Operations" refers to the type of ongoing process (e.g., production) not to the specific
activity that produced the waste. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act waste includes solid waste, not specifically
excluded from regulation under 40 CFR 261.4, or delisted by petition, that is either a listed hazardous waste (40
CFR 261.30-261.33) or exhibits the characteristics of a hazardous waste (40 CFR 261.20-261.24). |
Quantity of Routine TSCA Waste |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for Routine TSCA waste. Routine Waste is "normal
operations" waste produced by any type of production, analytical, and/or research and development laboratory
operations; treatment, storage, or disposal operations; "work-for-others;" or any other periodic and
recurring work that is considered ongoing. "Normal Operations" refers to the type of ongoing process
(e.g., production) not to the specific activity that produced the waste. TSCA waste includes individual chemical
wastes (both solid and liquid), which are regulated by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). |
Quantity of Routine State
Waste |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for Routine State-regulated waste. Routine
Waste is "normal operations" waste produced by any type of production, analytical, and/or research and
development laboratory operations; treatment, storage, or disposal operations; "work-for-others;" or
any other periodic and recurring work that is considered ongoing. "Normal Operations" refers to the type
of ongoing process (e.g., production) not to the specific activity that produced the waste. State regulated waste
is any other hazardous waste not specifically regulated under RCRA, which may be regulated by State or local authorities. |
of SANITARY Waste from Routine Operations |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for sanitary waste attributed to routine operations.
Sanitary Waste is waste, such as garbage, that is generated by normal housekeeping activities and are not hazardous
or radioactive. Routine Operations refers to the type of ongoing process (e.g., production) not to the specific
activity that produced the waste. |
of Sanitary Waste from Non-Routine Operations |
Waste Gen
- Volumetric data (in metric tons) for cleanup/stabilization sanitary waste.
Cleanup/stabilization waste consists of waste resulting from one-time operations.
Sanitary Waste is waste, such as garbage, that is generated by normal housekeeping
activities and are not hazardous or radioactive. |
Quantity Recycled Onsite |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.4) The quantity of the toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical that
is recycled onsite. |
Quantity Released for On-Site Land Disposal |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 5.5) Field provides the total quantity of a toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical
released to land within the boundaries of the facility. Information represents five subcategories including (1)
RCRA Subtitle C landfills (typically, the ultimate disposal method for hazardous waste is landfilling in these
types of landfills); (2) Other landfills (landfills other than RCRA Subtitle C landfills); (3) Land treatment/application
farming (disposal method in which a waste containing a listed toxic chemical is applied onto or incorporated into
soil); (4) Surface impoundment (a natural topographic depression, man made excavation, or diked area formed primarily
of earthen materials (although some may be lined with man-made materials) which is designed to hold an accumulation
of liquid wastes or wastes containing free liquids); and (5) Other Disposal (any release to land that does not
fit the categories of landfills, land treatment, or surface impoundment). Other Disposal includes any spills or
leaks of listed toxic chemicals to land. |
Released from Non-Production Activities |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.8) The quantity of the toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical released
to the environment as a result of remedial actions, catastrophic events, or one-time events not associated with
production processes (pounds/year). |
Quantity Released per EPCRA |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.1) The total quantity released, including both on and off site disposal. It does
not include any quantity treated onsite or reported as offsite treatment, recycling or energy recovery. It also
excludes quantities due to remedial actions, catastrophic events or non-production related events. |
Released Through Fugitive or non-Point Air Emissions |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 5.1) The quantity of a toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical released
through fugitive or non-point air emissions that occur through (1) equipment leaks from valves, pump seals, flanges,
compressors, sampling connections, and open-ended lines, etc.; (2) evaporative losses from surface impoundments
and spills; (3) releases from building ventilation systems; and (4) any other fugitive or non-point air emissions. |
Quantity Released
Through Stack or Point Air Emissions |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 5.2) The quantity of a toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical released
through stack or point air emissions that occur through stacks, vents, ducts, pipes, or other confined air streams.
Also includes storage tank emissions and air releases from air pollution control equipment. |
Quantity Released
Through Underground Injection |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 5.4) The quantity of a toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical injected
to underground on-site to class I-V wells. |
Quantity Transferred
Offsite and Recycled |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.5) The quantity of the toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical that
is transferred offsite for recycling. |
Quantity Transferred
to Other Facilities |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 6.2) An estimate of the total amount, in pounds, of a toxic chemical or mixture
containing a toxic chemical that is transferred for the purposes of waste treatment, disposal, recycling, or energy
recovery. |
Transferred to Publicly Owned Treatment Works |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 6.1) The total amount, in pounds, of a toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic
chemical that is contained in the wastewaters transferred to all POTWs (Publicly Owned Treatment Works). |
Quantity Treated Offsite |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.7) The quantity of the toxic chemical (except for metals and metal compounds)
or mixture containing a toxic chemical that is sent to a POTW (Publicly Owned Treatment Works) or other off-site
location for waste treatment. |
Quantity Treated Onsite |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.6) The quantity of the toxic chemical (except for metals and metal compounds)
or mixture containing a toxic chemical that is treated onsite. |
Quantity Used for
Offsite Energy Recovery |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.3) The quantity of the toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical that
is used for energy recovery offsite. Offsite energy recovery is the combustion of a residual material containing
a TRI toxic chemical when (1) the combustion unit is integrated into an energy recovery system (i.e., industrial
furnaces, industrial kilns, and boilers) and (2) the toxic chemical is combustible and has a heating value high
enough to sustain combustion (under RCRA this is considered to be -5000 BTU). |
Quantity Used for
Onsite Energy Recovery |
- (Form R - Part II - Section 8.2) The quantity of the toxic chemical or mixture containing a toxic chemical that
is used for energy recovery onsite. Onsite energy recovery is the combustion of a residual material containing
a TRI toxic chemical when (1) the combustion unit is integrated into an energy recovery system (i.e., industrial
furnaces, industrial kilns, and boilers) and (2) the toxic chemical is combustible and has a heating value high
enough to sustain combustion (under RCRA this is considered to be -5000 BTU). |
Radiologically Contaminated? |
- Whether or not the stored MIN material is radiologically contaminated. Valid
descriptions include Yes, No, Nuclear Material, Not Reported, and Unknown. |
Reporting Period Code |
Date code that represents the time/date the data was loaded into the system. |
Reporting Site |
WIMS - Site where waste/material currently
is stored and/or where future generation will take place. For waste/material currently in storage,
the current site may or may not be the generating site. |
Reporting Year |
- TRI data is reported to DOE every year. This field designates the year (Form R - Part I - Section 1) in which
the TRI data in this table was collected. As such, it is a primary key so each TRI set has an appropriate year. |
Site City |
FIMS - The name of the city or town where the site is located. For leased properties, this
also serves as the Lessee city. |
Site County or Country |
FIMS - The name of the county where the site is located. For leased properties, this also serves
as the Lessee county. |
Site Excess Indicator Description |
FIMS - An abbreviated description of the excess indicator code. The excess indicator code indicates
whether a site is excess to the needs of the Department or tells the current status of the site. The valid selections
are: Legislative (1), Holding Agency (2), Undisposable (3), Litigation (4), Contamination (5), Historical (6),
Title Problems (7), Other (8), Excess (E), and Not Excess (N). |
Site Mailing Address |
FIMS - The street number and street name to which mail should be sent. For leased properties,
this also serves as the Lessee address. |
Site Name |
FIMS - The name assigned to a site by DOE headquarters. This should be a contiguous geographic
location. |
Site Operations Field Office
Code |
Code designating the DOE Operations/Field Office responsible for the site
and its operations. |
Site State |
Two-letter code for the state in which the site is located. |
Site State Name |
Full text name of the state where the site is located. |
Site Zip Code |
FIMS - The primary zip code assigned to a site by the U.S. Postal Service. Stored value includes
a 5-digit code (required) and a 4-digit extended code (optional). |
Starting Inventory |
- FY08 actual starting inventory (m3). |
Status Flag |
- Red = waste/material with disposition path to be determined, highly complex disposition path,
or multiple impediments exist (other than funding). Red indicates “High” programmatic risk.
- Yellow = waste/material disposition path identified, but complex; some impediments exist
(other than funding). Yellow indicates “Medium” programmatic risk.
- Green = disposition path fully defined; no impediments (with possible exception of funding).
Green indicates “Low” programmatic risk.
Successor Stream ID |
- Field Stream ID of the subsequent stream resulting from the disposition of this stream, if any.
Applicable when a stream is sent off site for processing/ treatment and the residuals (or final form)
is sent to a different site for disposal. |
of Quantity of SANITARY Waste from Routine Operations |
Waste Gen
- Definition not
currently available. |
TRI Site Name |
- The DOE site (Form R - Part I - Section 4.1) that submitted the TRI report for a
specific chemical and year. |
Treatment Name |
- Identifies the method by which the stream will be treated off site prior to disposal.
Applies to all streams sent to a commercial site or TSCA Incinerator (from on or off site). |
Waste Stream Name |
- A unique name or descriptive text used for a waste stream. |
Waste Type Name |
- Name indicating the type of waste. |
Year |
Waste Gen
- The year during which the waste was generated. Waste Generation is any waste
produced during the current calendar year. It does not include waste produced in previous years that is being re-packaged,
treated, or disposed in the current year. It does include secondary wastes generated by the treatment, storage,
or disposal of previously generated wastes. |